Before I start my New Years Blog I must say GO UTES!!!!!
Ok, now that that's out of the way, I can move on with this years resolutions.
I'm not huge on New Years resolutions, who says you have to make them at the beginning of the year? I know, I know, it's a fresh start blah, blah, blah. I really would rather make resolutions or goals if you will, any time of the year. Why do you have to make a resolution that most likely you will break within the first couple of months of the New Year. I set my goals as I go so I don't bite off more than I can chew or feel overwhelmed with 5 different goals going on at once (my goals are pretty significant so they aren't just things like, stop biting my nails, which I already accomplished last year).
So, with that said there are things I want to work on this year, one being CHURCH! I'm horrible in this area; however I use to be very good. I was the YW Secretary for a couple of years, the Assistant Camp Director and a Visiting Teach all at the same time. What went wrong? I call it laziness. But this year, I've committed that there is nothing more appropriate than correcting my sinful ways and getting my butt to church every week.
I don't know what I want to do next, but I'm sure through the year I will contemplate on some area in which I know I can better myself. I always like to learn more and improve more, so there shouldn't be a problem finding something to become better at or learn.
Till next time.