Finely it's getting closer to my favorite holiday, The 4th Of July!!! I love the 4th of July and also the 24th of July, even more than Christmas, always have, always will!!!
Why is it my favorite holiday you ask? Because you get to get together with your family and relax (unlike Christmas where relaxation doesn't exist). There are fireworks, BBQ's, Parades, and HEAT, HEAT, and more sweltering HEAT!!! Did I mention that I love the HEAT? I just love July all around and of course my birthday is in July, so that's another plus!
I like the colors and the patriotism, I mean, the whole nine yards! Everything about the 4th is awesome!
Jeremy on the other hand, hates the 4th of July, he does not like crowds whatsoever, heading down to the parades aren't that bad, but fireworks (especially the 24th), well that's another story. Don't get me wrong he likes the patriotism, but would rather stay at home and chill with the family and friends and stay clear of the crazy mobs.
This year we're going to go to all the festivities, we're going to go to the Bountiful parade on the 3rd and later that night we're going to the fireworks. Then the next morning we're going the the Magna parade (I cannot not go to the Magna parade), head to my mom and dads to chill by the lake and relax, play around, and BBQ with all the fam. Later in the evening we're going to head over to my mom and dad's friends house just down the street to attend yet another BBQ and watch fireworks, let me tell you, they know how to do fireworks!
I hope that I can get Jeremy to go to the 24th fireworks this year, last year was the first time since I was probably about 5 or 6 that I missed the 24th of July and it was torture!
I'm so excited, now I can officially start getting ready for the 4th without feeling like I'm a few months early!
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