It's Official I'm Obsessed!
Hi, my name is Mandy and I’m addicted to the Twilight Saga! I’m not sure that addicted is really the right word, maybe obsessed is better. Not only is this my problem, but now I’ve invited others to join my obsession.
It all started when I bought the first book in the series. I only bought it because everyone was talking about it and how great it was, I thought it would end up being another book I would start but never finished; besides how good could it really be, it was about vampires for crying out loud.
I finished the first book in 2 days, the second 2 days later ( I threw the second book across the room and almost stopped reading this one all together , those who’ve read it should know what part I’m talking about, its about 3 chapters in), the third 4 days later (only because I got sick and couldn’t even read without the room spinning) and then had to wait a couple of more days for the 4th book to come out in which I finished in a week.
It didn’t end there either! The movie was to come out in November and I now had to anticipate that for almost 4 months. I’ll tell you if it wasn’t for youtube with all the previews and scenes that were posted there, I would have lost my mind.
I’ve seen the movie now 5 times, yes, 5 times! Yes I do have better things to do, I’m just lacking the motivation right now. I’m rearing up to get the movie on Blueray next month. I will add the movie to my soundtrack collection as well as my Twilight Sweethearts that I bought over the weekend. I WILL NOT BUY ANY DOLLS, JEWLERY, T-SHIRTS, ETC! I draw the line there! I keep this as private as possible, so those that see me shopping or something won’t think I’m a freak from the start. I’m a closet Twilihard (other than this post).
I feel like I’m 14 all over again! It’s pretty pathetic!
Oh yes, before I end my blog, go Team Edward!
I am a total Jasper fan in a weird way!
oh mandy mandy mandy. Your funny.
Definitely obsessed!!!
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